How To Create Motion Blur Filter in Spark AR - iamdenjourney

How To Create Motion Blur Filter in Spark AR

How To Create Motion Blur Filter in Spark AR

 How to create motion blur Filter in Spark AR ?


     Pertama yg kamu perlukan adalah file arp untuk blurnya, jika kamu mau buat dari awal silahkan, silahkan melihat tutorialnya di youtube. aku tidak menyarankan, because to much time to create that. jika ada yg tersedia kenapa harus membuat yg ribet ? ya kan :)

     Setelah itu buat 2 rectangle dan add block, kemudian set up rectanglemu dan tambahkan masing" meterialnya, kemudian add device, camera texture, blur.arp dan block to path editor connect all path, dan set direction sesuai keinginanmu. and your filter ready to upload. eeiittsss jika bingung bisa kamu liat tutorialnya disini 




Download Blur Here !


Download Devil Head.Obj Here ! 


  1. Replies
    1. sorry about that, because the link are broken, but now that problem already fixed.

  2. Replies
    1. sorry about this issue, link are broken, but now the link is already.

  3. Replies
    1. i was update the link, now the link already fixed
